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Friday 20 January 2012

The Godfather Five Families Hack

Finally we can release this amazing hack for an awesome game. It took some time because their server is hoster somewhere else so we cannot connect using our default bots. But now it's officially hacked. Below you have instructions and some free tips to download. Also, in the video above you have proofs the hack is totally legit and working. Enjoy!

Download link: http://up-flow.org/fuoSwLcmhk/ or http://upshare.org/fuoSwLcmhk/

Instructions to use:
1. Download the hack from mediafire link(or FileIce link, then skip dirrectly to step 4).
2. When asked for password, click the button named "Download". You will be redirected to our newest password generator.
3. Enter the password in the box and press ok (or type Enter key).
4. Wait for program to connect. Then enter what values you want and click Generate.
5. Wait 2-3 minutes and check your account.
6. Also check regularry for updates, they will be added every week.

Virustotal scan: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=b331f9290f84f66c7cc8b67e30...

Unlimited XP
Unlimited Respect
+Unlimited Cash
+Unlimited Steel(currently in testing BETA)
+Much more on updated version

...all for free...
If you see any problems, comment or send me a message, but only if you tried the hack yourself and with a specific problem. You can contact me via email thegodfatherhacker@live.com